10 Powerful Yoga Poses to Stop the Belly Fat Battle

Try these 10 yoga poses this winter to lose stubborn fat and have a flat tummy by decreasing belly fat.Yoga has shown to be a timeless discipline that not only promotes physical well-being but also mental clarity in a world when fitness and health trends come and go. Yoga is a comprehensive method that includes breath control and mindful movement for people who are having trouble losing stubborn belly fat. These ten potent yoga positions are meant to help you Belly Fat fat and tone your abdomen.

Although you might not realize it at first, obesity has a number of detrimental effects on your body. It can interfere with your sleep cycle, increase your level of fatigue, and increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, kidney stones, and infertility, among other conditions. The greatest strategies to reduce belly fat, according to experts, are to eat healthily and exercise frequently. Therefore, you need to eat healthily as well as get up and exercise often if you dream of having a Belly Fat in the future. To assist tone your entire core, you should also attempt the finest yoga positions for reducing belly fat.

Yoga positions to help lose tummy fat:

The founder of the Akshar Yoga Research and Development Center, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, discussed the greatest yoga postures for losing belly fat with HealthShots.

Abdominal obesity is dangerous and can jeopardize your health,” states Akshar. A big belly increases your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and obesity, among other problems. Nonetheless, there are safe and efficient ways to reduce weight and tone your tummy with yoga poses.

Halasana (Plough pose):

Lift your legs ninety degrees using your core muscles.

  • Place your palms firmly on the earth.
  • Tuck your legs under your head.
  • Use your palms to support your lower back if needed.
  • Hold the pose for a few breaths.
  • Hold the posture for a duration of 15 to 20 seconds.

Wheel posture, or Chakrasana:

Remain seated. Keeping your hands on either side of your head, turn your arms at the shoulders.

  • Take a deep breath, then lift your torso into an arch.
  • All four of your limbs should bear the same amount of your body weight.
  • Maintain the position for 15 to 20 seconds.
  • Bow pose, or Dhanurasana, third
  • Lying on your stomach, raise your arms and legs and inhale deeply.
  • Raise your arms and legs as high as you can while keeping your head up.
  • Maintain the position for 15 to 20 seconds.

Santolanasana, also known as the plank position, involves lying on your stomach, placing your hands under your shoulders, raising your upper torso, pelvis, and knees, and using your toes to grasp the floor.

Make sure your knees, hips, and spine are all in alignment. Place your wrists directly beneath your shoulders while keeping your arms straight. Hold this posture for a short while.

Namaskar Surya (Sun Salutation):

Surya Namaskar for decreasing visceral fat:

Surya Namaskar is a series of twelve yoga poses, all of which have significant effects on the body as a whole. Stretches are made possible by the forward and backward bends, and deep breathing exercises may aid in detoxifying. To get the most out of Surya Namaskar, perform it every morning while facing the sun.

How to Carry Out:

Extend your chest and let your shoulders drop while you stand with both feet together.Raise both arms from the sides as you take a breath. Additionally, maintain the prayer stance by bringing your arms to your chest as you exhale.

  • Take a breath, lift your hands, and gently extend your back.
  • Breathe out, lean forward, and attempt to bring your forehead to your knees.
  • With your hands flat on the floor, extend your right leg backward while bending your left knee.

Put yourself in the downward dog posture:

Step forward in an Ashtanga Namaskar (a variation of Chaturangadandasana) from Adhomukha (downward dog), when the hips are slightly lifted and take the entire torso in one plane down towards the floor.In order to perform Urdhvamukha, or upward-facing dog, inhale, extend forward, and bend backward.

  • Place your hands firmly on the ground and raise your body into downward dog.
  • Stretch upward and push your right leg forward between your elbows as you inhale.
  • Lean forward with your left leg and take a big breath.
  • Extend your arms from your waist.
  • Go back to where you were before.


This stance benefits every portion of the body, from head to toe, as well as the internal organs. Regularly performing Surya Namaskar keeps you healthy and energized.

A YouTuber named Anita talked about her 30-day Surya Namaskar experience. “Does Surya Namaskar aid in weight loss and tummy reduction?” she clarified. Indeed, it does (i). She on to explain that prior to this challenge, she weighed 64 kg, adding, “I ended up losing 3 inches on the waist, 4 inches on the hips, and 6 kg in total.” She added that she had gained some muscle.

Pavanamuktasana for lowering visceral fat:

Among the many digestive issues that pavanamuktasana relieves are indigestion and constipation. Because your knees press against your abdomen, maintaining this position for longer than a minute could encourage the burning of Belly Fat in that area.

How to Carry Out:

Place your arms beside your body and your feet outstretched, heels touching, in a supine position (face up).

Make a knee bend:

Inhale deeply, and as you release the breath, slowly raise your bowed knees to your chest, pressing down on your abdomen with your thighs. By putting your hands together underneath the thighs, you can securely hold the knees in position.

  • Take another breath, then raise your head so that your chin touches your knees as you exhale.
  • While inhaling deeply, hold the position for 60 to 90 seconds.
  • Breathe out slowly, letting your head drop to the floor and releasing your knees. With your palms toward the ground, place your hands on either side of your torso.

In Shavasana, unwind:

  • With a 15-second break in between each repeat, perform the pose seven to ten times.
  • This is the video for the wind-relieving pose, or pavanamuktasana.


Beginner practitioners of yoga can perform the posture by bending one leg and keeping the other straight.


  • may make the muscles in the back and abdomen stronger.
  • could aid in gas release and digesting
  • may strengthen the arms and legs muscles

Boat Pose, or Naukasana:

One of the most popular yoga poses, naukasana will give you a flatter stomach if you practice it regularly. When performed in a boat-like motion, the posture may assist tone your abs even though holding it for longer than a minute helps tense the abdominal muscles.

How to Carry Out:

Assume a supine position on the yoga mat, with your legs extended and your toes pointing upwards. Place your palms on either side of your body, facing the floor.

  • Extend your arms outward until they are in line with your legs.
  • The line connecting your fingers and toes should be maintained. Look down at your toes.
  • You should feel your abdominal muscles contract as you maintain the pose.
  • Start by holding the position for 30 to 60 seconds while breathing normally.
  • Breathe in deeply, release it slowly, and return to the supine position.

Start by performing this pose five times, and then progressively increase to thirty repetitions. After every repetition, take a 15-second break and relax.


Naukasana can also be done with your fists closed, as you’re clutching a boat’s oars.


May aid in the reduction of Belly Fat and strengthen the abdominal muscles.

  • may enhance the digestive system’s health
  • could build shoulders, thighs, and arms

Side plank posture, or Vasisthasana:

  • Place your feet in alignment.
  • Continue on the opposite side.

The camel posture, or ustrasana:

  • Put your knees up on the yoga mat and raise your arms.
  • Put your hands on your feet and arch your back.
  • Take a breath and recline.

footed posture (Eka padasana):

As you stretch your arms and unite your palms in the Pranam salute, start in Samastithi and maintain a straight back.

  • Keep your arms in close proximity to your ears.
  • Keep your right leg straight as you slowly lift it up behind you.
  • You should have a straight line between your arms, upper body, right leg, and pelvis.

Low plank, or chaturanga dandasana:

Lower yourself into a half-push-up so that your upper arms are parallel to the floor, starting in a plank posture.

To maintain a 90-degree angle in the crook of your elbows, you must lower yourself until your elbows touch the sides of your ribcage.

Your body should be in alignment, your shoulders should be drawn in, and your wrists and elbows should be parallel to the floor.

The forward-bending standing position, or padahastasana

  • Bend forward from a standing position.
  • Make an effort to lower your palms.
  • To make this easier, flex your knees.

Lift your eyes to the ceiling:

The stomach is the most difficult area of the body to lose weight from. But because the aforementioned yoga poses raise your heart rate in a manner comparable to aerobic exercise—which promotes calorie burning and accelerates metabolism—they can assist you in losing Belly Fat.

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